Kid's Wallpapers & Backgrounds HD for iPhone

4.6 ( 9886 ratings )
Developer: Talking Games + More Company
0.99 USD

★Kids Custom Wallpapers & Backgrounds HD
You Will not find these anywhere else

✓Tap to choose Wallpaper
✓Shake for Random Wallpaper
✓Swipe lent and right for next or previous Image
✓Save image to your device
✓Add text to image for personal note
✓Add Wallpaper to you favorites
✓AddWallpaper to friends favorites
✓Email Wallpaper to anyone.
✓Play Slide show of all Wallpaper

Added for ambiance
you can turn it on and off as you wish

★ Password Protected App
➡Choose a password
➡retype password to change
➡this password will be used to access app.
➡if you loose or forget password you will have to delete app
and re-download it for free from the Appstore